Uberisation of Lending: How Banks can stay ahead of the Curve

Acuity Knowledge Partners
1 min readNov 24, 2023


Event Summary

The banking industry is undergoing a transformation as banks are facing increased competition from alternatives, such as shadow banks, challenger banks, and new-age FinTech firms. According to market data sources, the total assets of nonbank lenders have surpassed $18 tn, ahead of commercial banks’ $16 tn.

Lenders are looking to achieve a favorable cost-to-income ratio, while complying with stringent regulatory requirements. Customers are seeking a differentiated experience, whereas technology is playing a wider role in lending transformation. Banks will need to ensure that strategic programs are integrated to generate value with minimal internal re-structuring.

The webinar presents our experience in enabling traditional lenders to stay ahead of the curve and strike a balance between higher customer expectations and risk-return trade-off. We will take you through some of our unique experiences and present best practices on improving your front office effectiveness, increasing operational flexibility, and driving revenues for the bank.

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Acuity Knowledge Partners

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